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Finding the right spin is not easy

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Topics | Working at Bethel, Youth welfare, Lobetal

"The 'Wendepunkt' is a part of my life"

"The 'Wendepunkt' is a part of my life"
Carsten Hirsch sitzt an seinem Arbeitsplatz und sortiert Briefmarken

Topics | Epilepsy, Bielefeld

Twelve broken bones due to seizures

Twelve broken bones due to seizures

Topics | Bielefeld

The warehouse is his territory

The warehouse is his territory

Topics | Epilepsy, Bielefeld

Hedwig Esders pulls the strings

Hedwig Esders pulls the strings

Topics | Freistatt

On the road, you're on your own

On the road, you're on your own
Silke Wunsch zeigt ihr Tattoo auf dem Oberarm

Topics | Working at Bethel, Dortmund

She has no time for boredom

She has no time for boredom

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Facts & Figures

  • Around 24,000 employees

  • Around 300 locations

  • represented in 8 federal state

You can find offers from the v. Bodelschwinghschen Stiftungen Bethel in:

  • Berlin
  • Brandenburg
  • Bremen
  • Lower Saxony
  • North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Saxony
  • Saxony-Anhalt

Are you looking for help?

Are you or a relative dependent on help or support and looking for assistance? Bethel's programmes and services offer professional expertise in many areas. So that everyone receives the help they need.

You want to report about Bethel?

Under "News" you will find news, press releases and images from Bethel for your use. For press enquiries, please contact the Press + Communications department directly.

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