Careers at Bethel

You've come to the right place

We are there for people. At around 300 locations, we are committed to helping young and old, healthy and sick, disabled and able-bodied people live together as a matter of course.

We at Bethel

We are active in the fields of medicine, care, education and training. We offer assistance, support and counselling, art and culture. This also includes jobs in administration, catering, service, crafts and logistics.

This is Bethel

The v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel has been there for people for more than 150 years. Around 24.000 colleagues at around 300 locations in eight federal states are currently working with experience and expertise. As a diaconal organisation, we would love to work with you to support people's needs, rights and wishes.

We are many

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Bethel is one of the largest social enterprises in Europe

  • Around 24,000 employees

  • Active in 8 federal states

  • Around 300 locations

Close to people

More stories from Bethel

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Training at Bethel: accompanying and supporting people

Training at Bethel: accompanying and supporting people
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Dream job at the Bethel sheep farm in Freistatt

Dream job at the Bethel sheep farm in Freistatt

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20 years of Betheljahr

New video portraits: Help for disabled children from Ukraine

New video portraits: Help for disabled children from Ukraine
Ralf Berning in Schutzkleidung bei der Arbeit auf der Intensivstation

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New video project: Betheljahr participants introduce themselves

New video project: Betheljahr participants introduce themselves

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Then take a look at our vacancies! Maybe there's something for you.

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