Bethel publishing house

Bethel publishing house mainly publishes postcards and books. These include biographies about people who have had a significant impact on Bethel or have a special life story. However, treatises on the history and development of the diaconal organisation and specialist literature are also part of the publishing spectrum. One focus is on publications on care and therapy concepts.
For many years, Bethel publishing house has maintained a range of books and postcards based on the life profiles, biographies and experiences of people from the v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel. This selected programme is constantly being expanded and is available to you via our Bethel publishing house.
You can order these books and postcards directly from Bethel publishing house at the following address:
v. Bodelschwinghsche Stiftungen Bethel
Zentrale Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Dankort, Quellenhofweg 25
33617 Bielefeld
Phone 0521/144-3604
Fax 0521/144-6083
Email: bethel-verlag(at)
Platform for online dispute resolution:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS). You can find the platform at
E-mail: bethel-verlag(at)

Dr Tatjana Voß, Elke Millauer, Katrin Herberger, Sabine Woskobojnik:
Final report of the model project of the Berlin clearing centre for people with intellectual disabilities
112 pages.

Bernward Wolf [ed:]
Lifelong labelled as inferior.
The memorial to the victims of forced sterilisation during the Nazi era in Bethel.
Bethel Contributions 56
60 pages.

Prof. Dr Albert Diefenbacher [ed.], PD Dr Tanja Sappok, Linda Kienitz, Thomas Bergmann:
Diagnostik, Therapie und Förderung
Schriftenreihe "Medizin für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung"
28 pages.
Series: Social work with epilepsy

Ingrid Coban and Rupprecht Thorbecke (eds.):
Sozialarbeit bei Epilepsie
Contributions and materials from the 10th symposium from 25 to 27 September 2008 at the Bethel Epilepsy Centre. 278 pages. Free of charge. Bethel Verlag Bielefeld 2009. ISBN: 978-3-935972-28-4.

Ingrid Coban and Rupprecht Thorbecke (eds.):
Sozialarbeit bei Epilepsie
Contributions and materials from the 11th symposium from 23 to 25 September 2010 at the ZfP Südwürttemberg, Dept. of Epileptology. 195 pages. Free of charge. Bethel Verlag Bielefeld 2011 ISBN: 978-3-935972-35-2

Ingrid Coban, Maria Lippold and Rupprecht Thorbecke (eds.):
Sozialarbeit bei Epilepsie
Contributions and materials from the 12th symposium from 20 to 22 September 2012 in Kleinwachau Sächsisches Epilepsiezentrum Radeberg. 253 pages. Free of charge. Bethel Verlag Bielefeld 2013 ISBN: 978-3-935972-39-0.

Ingrid Coban, Maria Lippold and Norbert van Kampen (eds.):
Sozialarbeit bei Epilepsie
Contributions and materials from the 13th symposium from 24 to 27 September 2014 in Berlin at the Epilepsy Centre Berlin Brandenburg. 253 pages. Free of charge. Published by "Epilepsy 2000" 2016 ISBN: 3-9809998-9-0

Rupprecht Thorbecke and Michaela Pauline Lux (eds.)
Sozialarbeit bei Epilepsie
Contributions and materials from the 14th symposium from 22 to 24 September 2016 at the Eplilepsiezentrum Kork. 215 pages and many illustrations. Free of charge. Bethel-Verlag Bielefeld 2018. ISBN 978-3-935972-53-6

Rupprecht Thorbecke, Peter Brodisch and Michaela Pauline Lux (eds.)
Sozialarbeit bei Epilepsie
Contributions and materials from the 15th symposium from 27 to 29 September 2018 in Hoffmanns Höfe, Frankfurt / Main. 179 pages and many illustrations. Free of charge. Bethel-Verlag Bielefeld 2020 ISBN 978-3-935972-60-4
Series: Information on epilepsy

Rupprecht Thorbecke, Christine Dröge, Christian Brandt
Sport bei Epilepsie
88 pages. Free of charge. Michael Foundation in cooperation with Bethel-Verlag 2020. ISBN 978-3-935972-64-2

Prof. Dr Hermann Stefan, Dr Tobias Knieß, Anne Østensen, Christina Mol Slettenes, Thomas Porschen, Rupprecht Thorbecke M.A.
Epileptic seizures in older people
84 pages. Free of charge. Michael Foundation in co-operation with Bethel-Verlag 2020. ISBN 978-3-935972-62-8

Margarete Pfäfflin, Dr Rainer Wohlfahrt and Rupprecht Thorbecke
Addressing epilepsy
60 pages. Free of charge. Michael Foundation in cooperation with Bethel-Verlag 2020. 2nd edition. ISBN 978-3-935972-63-5

Michael Foundation (ed.)
Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
Information for patients, relatives and healthcare professionals
32 pages. Free of charge. Michael Foundation in cooperation with Bethel-Verlag 2017. ISBN 978-3-935972-52-9

Rupprecht Thorbecke and Ralf Francois
Legal issues in epilepsy
Kindergarten and school education. Education and occupation.
68 pages. Free of charge. Michael Foundation in cooperation with Bethel-Verlag 2017. ISBN 978-3-935972-49-9

Dr Ritva Annelli Sälke-Kellermann
Epilepsy in schoolchildren
152 pages. Free of charge. Michael Foundation in cooperation with Bethel-Verlag 2017. ISBN 978-3-935972-50-5

Heilwig Fischbach and Gisela v. Ondarza
Epilepsy and family
Advice and help for parents of children and adolescents with epilepsy.
125 pages. Free of charge. Michael Foundation in cooperation with Bethel-Verlag 2017. ISBN 978-3-935972-51-2

Dr Dieter Dennig and Prof. Dr Theodor W. May
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
88 pages. Free of charge. Michael Foundation in cooperation with Bethel-Verlag 2019. ISBN 978-3-935972-56-7
Overview: Publications by Bethel-Verlag

Matthias Gräßlin, Nicole Zielke (eds.)
Into the open
Shaping a culture of diversity
Bielefeld 2023 (1st ed.). ATHENA by wbv. ISBN: 978-3-7639-7629-4

Professor Dr Markus Schmidt
Diakonia as action and attitude
Bielefeld 2022. 36 pages. 6,50 Euro. ISBN 978-3-935972-65-9

Kerstin Stockhecke and Claudia Puschmann:
Ida von Bodelschwingh 1835 - 1894. A life portrait.
Bielefeld 2007. 144 pages. 12,40 Euro. Publishing house for regional history: ISBN 978-3-89534-693-4, Bethel-Verlag: ISBN 978-3-935972-18-5

Matthias Gräßlin, Nicole Zielke, theatrewerkstatt Bethel (eds.)
"People's culture. An artistic approach for an open society"
Published by Athena-Verlag, Oberhausen, 288 pages, 24 euros, ISBN-13: 978-3745510478
to the review

Vanessa Wolff, Marieke Conty and Wolfgang Ludwig (Eds.)
"TEACCH - Evidence-based approach to supporting people with autism"
Published by Bethel-Verlag, Bielefeld, 36 pages, 19.80 euros, ISBN 978-3-935972-57-4

PD Dr Tanja Sappok and Prof Dr Albert Diefenbacher (Eds.)
"The 4th dimension. Expanding the bio-psycho-social disease model to include the emotional development component in people with intellectual disabilities"
"Medicine for people with intellectual disabilities" series, 140 pages and many illustrations, 29.80 euros. Bethel-Verlag Bielefeld 2017 ISBN 978-3-935972-48-2
to the review

Dr Johanna Will-Armstrong (Ed.)
"Bethel - A tour. Simple. Different!"
Tour of the village of Bethel in easy language. 64 pages, 3.50 euros. Bethel-Verlag Bielefeld 2018. ISBN 978-3-935972-54-3

Samuel Elstner, Christoph Schade, Albert Diefenbacher (Eds.)
DBToP-gB manual for group work, 2nd edition
136 pages, 29,80 Euro, ISBN 978-3-935972-36-9
to the review

Kerstin Stockhecke and Hans-Walter Schmuhl (ed.):
Protestant from the beginning - The history of Gilead Hospital in Bielefeld.
Euro 24.00, ISBN: 978-3-935972-40-6
To the review

Carsten Nicolaisen and Thomas Martin Schneider (eds.):
Thirty days at a turning point in German church history.
Euro 12.80 ISBN: 978-3-935972-37-6
To the review

Jürgen Heinrich (ed.)
Künstlerhaus Lydda
My art is a secret
Euro 29,80
287 pages
ISBN 978-3-935972-33-8
to review

Hans-Jörg Kühne
The challenge of migration.
History of the Beckhhofsiedlung of the v. Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten Bethel
216 pages
Euro 14.90
ISBN 978-3-935972-22-2
to review

From Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag:
Hans Walter Schmuhl
Friedrich von Bodelschwingh - Monograph
156 pages, numerous illustrations
Euro 8.99
ISBN: 978-3-499-50687-1

Margarete Pfäfflin et al.
A course for parents of children with epilepsy
Euro 14.90
2nd revised edition 2015
ISBN 978-3-935972-47-5

Margarete Pfäfflin et al.
Modular epilepsy training programme for families
A course for children with epilepsy
Slipcase with 7 individual booklets, many illustrations
2nd edition, Euro 16.90
ISBN: 978-3-935972-09-3

Er workbook
Modular training programme for epilepsy
4th revised edition 2020, 239 pages
Euro 34.90
ISBN 978-3-935972-61-1

Matthias Benad, Regina Mentner (ed.)
Prisoners of war and civilian forced labourers in Bethel and Lobetal 1939 - 1945
288 pages, 12 illustrated pages
Euro 12.40
ISBN: 978-3-935972-03-1 (Bethel-Verlag)
to review

Hans Walter Schmuhl
Ärzte in der Westfälischen Diakonissenanstalt Sarepta 1890 - 1970
edited by Matthias Benad,
103 pages, many illustrations
Euro 8,40
ISBN 978-3-922463-99-3
to review