Mädchen aus Mamre-Patmos-Schule mit Blumen
Donate & Help

Your help makes the difference!

Mädchen spielt im Evangelischen Klinikum Bethel

Projects and areas of support

More information about projects for sick, disabled and socially disadvantaged people that you can support with a donation.
Projects and areas of support
Zwei Frauen mit Xylophon Bethel regional Projekt Hamm

Donations instead of gifts

Use special occasions as a fundraising opportunity. In lieu of gifts, ask people to donate to a specified Bethel project.
Donations instead of gifts
Frau betrachtet Briefmarke in der Briefmarkenstelle Bethel

Stamps for Bethel

The Bethel Stamp Centre is happy to receive stamps from all over the world and offers people with disabilities a meaningful occupation.
Stamps for Bethel
Junge und Frau machen Seifenblasen in der Mamre-Patmos-Schule

More ways to help

You can provide targeted help with a donation in kind, voluntary work or a blood donation. You can find more information here.
More ways to help
Mann liest mit Älterem über Trucks

Your support makes a difference

Much of the help we offer for disadvantaged people is only possible thanks to the support of our friends and sponsors. Together we have already achieved a great deal.
Your support makes a difference

Service for our friends and sponsors

Lupe sucht Dokument ab


The transparent and correct use of donations is a top priority for Bethel. You can find out more about how we use donations here.

Please support us with a donation!

Mädchen spielt im Evangelischen Klinikum Bethel

A donation to Bethel benefits sick, disabled and socially disadvantaged people. Thank you for being on our side!

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Your contact for donations

Donations and bequests department

Quellenhofweg 25
33617 Bielefeld

0521 144-3600


Donation account

v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel

Sparkasse Bielefeld
DE48 4805 0161 0000 0040 77

Donate online now