Help with your collection
The collection request
If you would like to support Bethel as a church congregation, consider dedicating one of your non-designated collections to us. The money collected from a church service can sustainably improve the quality of life of sick, elderly and disabled people and further strengthen cohesion in your congregation.

Bethel hospice work – living to the end
People who are terminally ill need special support, encouragement and care at the end of their lives. Specialised outpatient services help to ensure that they can be cared for at home for as long as possible. But when the time comes that care at home can no longer be guaranteed, an inpatient hospice can help. In a homelike environment, someone is there around the clock to relieve pain, offer encouragement or simply hold the patient's hand. The aim is to make the last journey as pleasant as possible. Because life is precious – right to the end.
Unfortunately, there are too few places available. We would like to change this by building three more hospices and are therefore in urgent need of help. We would be delighted if you could support us in this endeavour with your collection.
Announcement text for the church service (PDF)
Donation account for the collection
v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel
Sparkasse Bielefeld
DE48 4805 0161 0000 0040 77
Reference: Hospice2023

The "My Time" project
What most people take for granted is often something very special for disabled, sick or disadvantaged people. Walks in the park, a visit to the theatre or to relatives who live far away – these are only possible with additional support.
This is exactly the kind of support we offer. People who need help are provided with caring, well-trained assistants who look after them and give them the physical and mental support they need.
We are in urgent need of help with the personnel costs for these assistants. We would be delighted if you could support us with one of your non-designated collections. Just €53, for example, can enable a person with a disability to go on a three-hour excursion.
Announcement text for the church service (PDF)
Donation account for the collection
v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel
Sparkasse Bielefeld
DE48 4805 0161 0000 0040 77
Reference: MeineZeit

The Bethel Children's and Youth Hospice
The Bethel Children's and Youth Hospice cares passionately and lovingly for children and young people with life-shortening illnesses. In an atmosphere of security, we want to make the children's last phase of life as pleasant as possible, offering them relaxation, happiness and the best care we can provide. Relatives and friends can also find support, counselling and relief here.
We are in urgent need of help to ensure the continued operation of the Bethel Children's and Youth Hospice for children with life-limiting illnesses, which is why we would be delighted if you could support us with your collection.
Announcement text for the service (PDF)
Donation account for the collection
v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel
Sparkasse Bielefeld
DE48 4805 0161 0000 0040 77
Reference: Hospizkind