Zwei Frauen Arm in Arm aus Stiftungsbereich pro Werk
Commitment to the future

Sponsorships, donations and bequests

Zwei Frauen umarmen sich

Helping with a will

Many people wish to do good beyond their own lifetime and include a charitable organisation in their will. We have compiled some information for you here.
Helping with a will
Mann aus Stiftungsbereich pro Werk grinst und zeigt auf die Kamera

An endowment for Bethel

By donating to the foundation's assets, you help the Bethel Foundation to continue supporting sick, disabled and socially disadvantaged people in the future.
An endowment for Bethel
Mann und Frau am Zaun im Schrebergarten

Helping with a large donation

Together with Bethel, you can achieve great things for people who need help. Make a crucial difference now for a project that is particularly close to your heart.
Helping with a large donation

Our service for friends and sponsors

Drei Würfel mit Fragezeichen

Questions and answers

Here you will find important questions and answers about donating and helping.
Questions and answers
Lupe sucht Dokument ab


The transparent and correct use of donations is a top priority for Bethel. You can find out more about the use of funds here.

You can help!

Mädchen spielt im Evangelischen Klinikum Bethel

Your donation will help disadvantaged people. Decide for yourself what your donation is used for and support an area or project of your choice.

Thank you for being on our side!

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Your contact for donations

Donations and bequests department

Quellenhofweg 25
33617 Bielefeld

0521 144-3600


Donation account

v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel

Sparkasse Bielefeld
DE48 4805 0161 0000 0040 77

Donate online now