Close to people | Stories from Bethel
Discover creative potential
For almost two years now, Sarah Werner has been working in the day care programme (TGA) at Haus Zeppelinstraße, a special residential facility run by Bethel.regional for people with chronic mental illnesses. The occupational therapist has clear ideas about her work: "I don't just want to weave baskets or paint mandalas, that's not what I do!"
Sarah Werner works in an everyday-orientated way and uses assessments to focus on the goals and wishes of each individual client. "I have been particularly interested in the clinical picture of schizophrenia since my training. I want to help people cope better with the illness, improve their quality of life and emphasise their strengths," says the 29-year-old. Together with her colleagues, she drew up a new daily organisation plan for Haus Zeppelinstraße at the start of her work at Bethel in order to expand the services on offer and, above all, to develop the network and social space work.
She also brought the idea of a theatre group with an occupational therapy approach to Herne and launched the "Zeppelinkracher" theatre project, which is funded by donations, in November 2021. "In my previous job, I noticed that people with paranoid schizophrenia come out of their shells when playing theatre, learn to put themselves in other roles and make important contacts. Improving social interaction - my favourite phrase - describes it well." Since then, the 120-minute theatre programme has been held twice a week in Herne. A questionnaire was drawn up in advance for various daily activities (theatre, music, etc.) together with the clients at Zeppelinstraße. The questionnaire contained questions about topics and interests for the day programme. It turned out that there was a great deal of interest in the performing arts.

To mark the 5th anniversary of the Zeppelinstraße house in September 2022, the theatre group performed the play "Zwei Märchen im Wald knallt", a fairytale self-discovery trip against the grain and with a wink, for the first time at the vhs Herne. The production combines two fairy tales, Snow White and Hansel and Gretel, and transports them into the present day. Echoes of the fairy tales are just as intentional as the experience of alienation through the confrontation with the reality of one's own life. Texts, stage design, dramaturgy and staging: everything was developed together with the clients. The play is performed again and again as a creative statement on the topics of helping people to help themselves, reducing anxiety and finding common ground for a colourful, inclusive and open-minded audience.
"The performances are what drive and motivate me," says Werner, beaming with joy. "I get excited when I see how our clients laugh and when I see how good everyone feels and how cheerful the mood is." And indeed, since the start of the project, there have been significant improvements in the clients' mental health and an increase in their self-esteem. Sarah Werner is certain: "Theatre offers the opportunity to (re)discover one's own creative potential and to regain skills that have been lost due to the illness. It also strengthens socio-emotional awareness and the perception of oneself and others."
Text: Tanja Lenz-Urbach | Photos: Gregor Thomas
This story simply told
Sarah Werner works at Bethel. She has set up a theatre group for people with mental illnesses. The programme takes place twice a week in Herne. The participants learn texts and take care of the stage design. There has already been one performance. Sarah Werner is delighted that everyone enjoys the theatre.
Would you like to find out more?
Haus Zeppelinstraße
Zeppelinstraße 3-3b
44651 Herne
Offers & services
The programme is aimed at adult women and men with a chronic mental illness or a significant mental disability. We offer support in organising their own lives in a self-determined and individual way in a protected private sphere and in developing their own perspectives. Participation in life in all areas is promoted by living together with others and through the support of a multi-professional team.