Prominent voices

Till Brönner
Trumpeter, singer, composer and arranger
"Sooner or later, we will all find ourselves in a situation where we realise that all the rules and tricks we have adopted to steady ourselves are not so steady after all. And when that time comes, we will need someone. Maybe we should start preparing for that today."

Ehrlich Brothers
"'Realising community' – Bethel's vision can be experienced first-hand in many places across Germany, including at a facility in our home town of Bünde. The community of people with and without disabilities enriches life in our town. Visions guide our path: they open doors to new ideas and creative fantasies and constantly provide new energy. People are united and brought closer together."

"Over 150 years of service dedicated to people who are not on the sunny side of life – others should take an example from Bethel!"

Dr Eckart von Hirschhausen
Presenter, physician, magician, cabaret artist, comedian and writer
"Laughter is the best medicine. That's why I'm delighted that Bethel has been relying on the healing power of humour for many years. Specially trained hospital clowns bring joy and lightness to all those who sometimes have little to laugh about. Together with my foundation HUMOUR HELPS HEAL, we have also trained nursing staff to be more aware of the power of affection, authentic contact and a healthy spirit.
To me, Bethel stands for 150 years of human medicine coupled with human values. Please keep it up! Life doesn't stop being funny when we die. Just as it doesn't stop being serious when we laugh."

"While at a concert in Bethel, I was impressed by the great zest for life that the people have here. I witnessed how naturally people deal with disabilities and limitations. It doesn't matter whether someone is in a wheelchair or can't articulate themselves. This is about being human in all its diversity. I would also like to see this reflected in our society, so that barriers are broken down and we can live better together."

"'If someone says you're different, then just think to yourself: Different is not wrong, just a variant of right' (from my poem 'Still waters are attractive').
I think it's wonderful that Bethel embodies this idea and supports every person in their uniqueness!"

Marietta Slomka
Journalist and television presenter
"In institutions like Bethel, it's all about practising humanity, charity and responsibility. Responsibility for the weak, for people who need help. I have great respect for those who work in care and are committed to it. I would like society to recognise much more that those in need of help and their relatives must be supported. A particularly valuable example of this for me is children's hospices, such as those run by Bethel. Here, children are lovingly cared for and their families are given a break so they can regain their strength and find a sense of security."

Max Raabe
"What a clever, fantastic idea. To take people as they are, to bring them together with other people – regardless of their age and health situation – and to let them live alongside one another. I imagine that this is no easy task. But the fact that this place exists, where everyone works together, helping, caring and looking out for each other, is hugely inspiring."

"What makes Bethel special is that all people – whether healthy, disabled, young or old – live together as a community and are there for each other. For me, that's a good life model and what keeps Bethel young."

Karoline Herfuhrt
Actress and director
"I have come to know Bethel as a place where people who need support – whether disabled, elderly, socially disadvantaged, children or adults – meet people who are familiar with their worries and have built a warm roof under which everyone can be who they are.
I am very grateful that there are people whose hearts are in the right place and are willing to provide this support. After all, helping and supporting each other is the backbone of this country."

Ingolf Lück
Actor, dubbing artist, presenter, comedian and director
"The people at Bethel do a great job. They are experienced and they really value the people in their care. They show this every day anew, and that makes me happy and joyful."

"I have been aware of the Bethel Foundation since my early youth. Enabling people who need help to lead a dignified and natural life – to my mind, that's what Bethel stands for in a remarkable and exemplary way."

Rolf Zuckowski
Musician, composer, producer and author of children's songs
"Just as you are, just as you are,
that's all you ever need to be.
Just as you are, just as you are,
that what makes you the sunshine for me.
I wrote the lines of this song from the bottom of my heart. And when singing it to groups of people, I often experienced that they were deeply inspired. I felt the same way when visiting Bethel, and the good feeling lingers on. It connects us in a very special way."
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