Frida und Leon liegen aneinander gekuschelt in ihrem Bett.

Close to people | Stories from Bethel

Cuddling is also important when wired

Leon and Frida lie snuggled up together in their cot. Leon sleeps completely relaxed. Frida lolls around until her hand touches her brother's cheek. The contact is good for both of them. They would actually still share the space in their mother's womb. But they were born far too early. They were a whole three months away from their due date.

Mother holds her babies in her arms. The father hugs his wife and looks at his family.

When her mother Isabel Wiese* went into labour, the clinic in Bethel fortunately managed to gain a few more days. This meant that a drug could be given to help the children's lungs mature and also something to reduce the risk of cerebral haemorrhage. After the birth, the twins were immediately taken to the intensive care unit for premature babies: a highly specialised team looked after the little patients. Leon and Frida spent two months there. At first, their mother was simply speechless. "I didn't have the words. That's why I sang a lot. Lullabies up and down," says the 37-year-old special needs teacher. Just one week after the birth, however, it was possible to put the little one on her chest. Albeit completely wired. "Kangarooing" is the name given to this important contact between parents and child.

Mum smiles at the camera. Her babies are lying on the changing table.

The children are now breathing on their own and have been moved. "We are so happy that they didn't have any major crises," says Isabel Wiese. Although monitors still show important values, the cables can be removed for breastfeeding. And in the beautiful room in the new Children's Centre, mother and children can relax. Isabel Wiese stays at the hospital around the clock. The parents' bed in the children's room is comfortable. Her husband Torsten looks after their two-year-old daughter Ronja. Everyone is looking forward to being home with the five of them soon. Will Ronja still be able to find it when she realises how loud her little siblings can scream?

* Name changed on request

Text: Heike Lepkojis | Picture: Matthias Cremer

This story simply told

Leon and Frida were born three months prematurely. The siblings were very well looked after in the intensive care unit at Bethel Children's Centre. Their mother was with the children in hospital the whole time. They will soon be able to go home.

Would you like to find out more?


Children's Centre Bethel
Grenzweg 10
33617 Bielefeld

0521 772-705

To the website of the centre

Offers & services

The Children's Centre at the Evangelical hospital Bethel (EvKB) covers the entire spectrum for young patients aged 0 to 18 years. Whether illness or injury, acute or chronic, physical (somatic) or psychiatric - the EvKB offers the right individual treatment concept for all medical requirements with its outpatient, day-care and inpatient services.

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