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This further training attracted her to Bethel

No, this work is not easy. Supporting people with acquired brain injuries is a huge and exhausting challenge. Jutta Pollkläsener accepts it. Day after day, with full conviction and great joy. "I enjoy working with clients who have an acquired brain injury because many of them can develop a lot. This gives me a motivating sense of achievement," says the curative education nurse. Jutta Pollkläsener completed in-service training from Bildung & Beratung Bethel in 2023 and 2024 in order to provide the best possible help to the clients at her workplace in Bethel's supported living centre in Hövelhof in the Paderborn district.

Jutta Pollkläsener has been working with affected clients for many years. However, the 46-year-old has only been working for Bethel since April 2023. When Supported Living Hövelhof opened its doors back then, she had just moved to the Senne community with her family. So it literally made sense for her to apply. Jutta Pollkläsener reports that another argument in favour of the job change was the prospect of taking part in the "Weiter-Leben" training course: "That's what attracted me. I know from my own experience: it's not a matter of course that employers make further training like this possible."

"The training helps me to look after, support and challenge clients as well as possible."
Jutta Pollkläsener

In the 18-month programme with the subtitle "Supporting people with acquired brain injury in their self-determination and participation", Jutta Pollkläsener and eleven other participants underwent further training under the direction of lecturer Meike Ude in face-to-face seminars in Bethel as well as in online training courses. For example, in ethics, neurology, neuropsychology and dealing with challenging behaviour from clients and relatives. "I haven't been challenged like this for a long time, both in terms of content and how to use the computer," says Jutta Pollkläsener with a laugh - and adds: "I found it great and motivating."

Jutta Pollkläsener says that she has learnt a lot for her day-to-day work in Hövelhof. One example: "If you understand which brain regions are responsible for which functions, you can understand a client's change in behaviour or incontinence, for example, and can respond to them better," she explains. Based on this knowledge, she developed strategies for everyday life with her client Sebastian F.*, whose speech centre, among other things, has been impaired since a bicycle accident. He now has photos on his mobile phone of the food he likes to buy. He shows them to supermarket staff when he can't find the products there. This is because he finds it difficult to find the necessary words.

Sebastian F. used to live in seclusion and needed all-round care. Today, he not only goes shopping, but also prepares most of his own meals. Jutta Pollkläsener has written a thesis on this pleasing development and her successful therapy plan for Sebastian F. as part of her further education programme. Another contribution is the workshop "Living participation", which she will offer with other participants at the Bethel MeH symposium on 19 and 20 September 2024. She will also receive her certificate for successful participation in the training programme there.

Looking back on the 18 months of "Weiter-Leben", Jutta Pollkläsener says with satisfaction: "It was exactly the right decision to take part. I quickly realised that the quality of the training was very good. It helps me to look after, support and challenge my clients as well as possible."

Text: Philipp Kreutzer | Picture: Matthias Cremer

* Name changed

This story simply told

Jutta Pollkläsener works for Bethel. She helps people with brain damage. In 2023 and 2024, Jutta Pollkläsener took part in further training at Bethel. It lasted 18 months. Jutta Pollkläsener learnt a great deal. She now understands people with brain damage even better and can help them even better.

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Bildung & Beratung Bethel
Nazarethweg 7
33617 Bielefeld
0521 144-5770


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Bildung & Beratung Bethel in Bielefeld offers a wide range of training and further education courses, study programmes as well as various counselling formats and in-house seminars.

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