Close to people | Stories from Bethel

You can also hike on paper

Walter Stahlschmidt paints with passion. His favourite motifs: a blue sky, green trees and a hiker with a stick and hat. "That's my uncle. I often went for walks with him," says the 89-year-old man, who lives in Emmaus, a facility for people with disabilities. Walter Stahlschmidt came to Bethel because of his seizures. He worked in chair weaving for a long time. "A simple pattern went in no time at all! But I could do difficult ones too," he says, smiling charmingly. He would not have liked to retire. All the better that there is a programme for senior citizens every day. And friendly staff like Susana Wiens. Walter Stahlschmidt gets on very well with her - especially when he remembers to switch on his hearing aid.

Text: Heike Lepkojis | Picture: Sarah Jonek

Would you like to find out more?


Emmaus House
Maraweg 2
33617 Bielefeld

0521 144-3410


The programme at Haus Emmaus is aimed at adults with intellectual disabilities, a high need for social integration and complex multiple disabilities. It provides a suitable framework for personalised life planning and the development of their own life prospects. Clients in the flats can take part in practical life skills training to acquire housekeeping skills.

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